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This is one of my favorite services to provide with 2 wonderful options. The first being individual readings privately or with the group watching...your call. This can be for any size group up to 12 people and the length of reading time will vary accordingly. Or the second, and equally fun option, provides not only my services but the additional services of Roxane with The Crystal Healing Fountain. Together we provide a very unique psychic party! While I have half of the group having fun with oracle readings, either individual or group, Roxane has the other half providing them with a wonderful gallery reading experience. This is an exclusive and very engaging event where everyone receives 2 readings each from 2 gifted psychics who not only love what we do but love sharing those gifts in a fun setting. **Please note we do like to keep the number of people to a maximum of 10.Please note these dates fill fast! Please contact me to check availability PRIOR to making payment.

2 hour party

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