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about me...


I am a Psychic, Oracle Reader & Conjure from Omaha, Nebraska. When I think back over the course of my life to best help you understand the impact of growing up with my gifts and how it has made me into the person/reader/conjure that I am I become overwhelmed. 


My gifts have blessed me since childhood...and if you ask another intuitive they would probably say the same thing that at moments it's really easy to forget this is a blessing.  Growing up in my scope of vision meant that what appeared mundane to the rest of the world made me at times feel frightened in the least scariest of places.  The house we grew up in was older and we had a few spirits in our home; one a nice girl who looked out for us and the other a not so nice older woman.  I remember how the older woman used to frighten me so much. I would get all panicked when I knew I was going into the part of the house she kept herself in. Scratching the windows, turning the room cold and the glaring, I could feel her enjoying the fact she scared me. As an adult, we've come to an understanding that I am in the living and I control the area, not her.  The most confusing part of my childhood was never the spirits.  I could easily decipher the intent of an entity.  It was the living that scared me...that was a whole different kind of scary! 


As an adult who has worked on their gifts and is continually working on them, I know the "etiquette" for shutting out what is going on when engaging others in conversation or just entering the room for that matter. But as a child, before those ethics were learned and I was even aware of the fact that not everyone could do what I could it was so much to take in.  I would hear thoughts as easily as breathing in and out. Now thinking back at the times when I would confront people when I was confused because their words and thoughts were no where near the same I can now understand their thoughts weren't always literal nor could they have ever known a 6 yr old could hear it all.....just as I type can't help but to wonder how many people thought I was one creepy kid?! Ha! Sometimes still though it happens and it amazes me I get to hear what is truly in someone's heart. 


One of the moments I will never forget was not too long ago, last year maybe?  Anyway, my mother was getting to the time of her life when she needed hearing aids, but by no means was she going to go peacefully into "those gaudy things everyone can see!"  Heaven forbid!  Finally, after enough pleading and bickering she went and got them.  She called me from the car and said how happy she was to actually hear me and they weren't gaudy at all! Yay! I started crying at my desk because she was just so happy after all her arguing.  She must have called me 4 times that morning.  I missed the last call because I was in a meeting.  When I got back to my desk and listened to her voice mail I heard, "Hey, Mary, it's me.  I just called because I wanted to hear your voice again.  I'm so happy I can hear you giggle and laugh with me.  Ok, well call me back later. Love you! Bye!"  I listened to it like a dozen times crying because I could hear her happiness.  When I saw her later that day she asked if I got her message about going to dinner.  I had no idea.  I asked her what she was talking about and she said she left a message asking if I wanted to go for Thai.  I then explained to her that was not at all what her message said on the voice mail.  She started to cry and told me that's what she had been thinking at the time she called.  Then we both cried and, of course, got some Thai. 


With this aspect being such a large part of my life I have grown into the ethics of a respectful reader.  My intent is not to tell you how to live your life or judge you for the decisions you make but to guide you through the troublesome times and hard decisions. My goal as a reader is never to sit and have you feel like you must accept the reality as it's presented, but just the opposite really.  I want my clients to feel empowered and not just a bystander in their own life.  I want them to see what's possible and change it if they wish.  This world is not set in stone.  The most important thing I want my clients to understand when they sit down with me is that free will supersedes everything. You can alter your path at any time. I love using my hoodoo for that purpose. 


Hollywood has some fabulous stereotypes of Hoodoo and that's all fine and dandy...I love a good movie.  But for me I love the idea of helping people with my practice.  Improving their lives and situations. I want them to feel more in control of what is surrounding them.  Sometimes we all get knocked off our bearings a bit but we find our way back. I like helping with that. I love putting both aspects of myself together and helping others.  It makes me happy.  Fulfilled.  There is no better feeling than the days when I spend it laughing and crying with my clients.  You may not know it, but you move me. 

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